Car Insurance

How do I cancel my policy?
We are sorry you are considering cancelling your Car Insurance policy. If you need to cancel your policy, please call Customer...
How can I view my Car Insurance documents?
You can view your Car Insurance documents at any time via Your Insurance Account.

If you're not registered,...
Will a non-fault claim affect my renewal price?
Unfortunately we can’t say either way, as your renewal quote considers a number of factors, not just your claims history....
Where can I find my Tesco Car Insurance proof of No Claims?
You can find proof of your No Claims in either your cancellation or lapse letter, which can be accessed via Your Insurance...
Why does a fault claim effect my no claims discount?
Your fault claim will affect your no claim discount if you:

  • Don't have no claim discount protection on your
What fees do you charge?
We charge fees for:

  • Mid-term changes to your policy once it has started, we'll charge an administration
Why am I not getting a courtesy car?
You will not be eligible for a courtesy car if:
  • your vehicle is a total loss unless you have Gold cover
  • your
Why is my Car Insurance policy being automatically renewed?
To ensure you have continuous coverage, we automatically renew your policy (including add-ons) each year. When your policy...
Am I insured to drive other vehicles?
This will depend on factors such as your age, occupation and the type of policy cover and product you choose (NB: it is...
I've missed a payment on my Car Insurance policy, what do I need to do?
If you miss a payment or are experiencing difficulty paying, you must contact us as soon as possible.
