Phone Suggestions

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  • RossM's Avatar
    Former Community Manager
    Hey all, hope you have been enjoying the weather! My contract phone expires in a couple of weeks and I am looking for a new phone so thought I would ask the community if they have any suggestions?

    I currently have been using a Huawei P30 pro and have been really impressed by it. The camera is amazing, it has kept its battery life over 2 years and I can honestly say I've had no issues at all. If Huawei had a newer model that was compatible with the Google Play store, then I wouldn’t hesitate in taking it but the lack of Google support in the new devices means I would lose access to apps accumulated over the years.

    I have been looking at the Samsung Galaxy S21 (Either plus or Pro) but this would add around £10 to my monthly cost to what I am currently paying. I have also looked at the Google Pixel phones

    Really keen to hear what phones the Community members use and suggestions for an upgrade in the comments below.
  • 5 Replies

  • chr's Avatar
    I'm an Apple fan I'm afraid and too invested to change now 😂 I usually buy my phone outright though with money recouped from selling my old one rather than buy as part of the contract. There are so many different options now!
  • RossM's Avatar
    Former Community Manager
    @chr That's a good shout, i hadn't even considered buying outright. What do you like about Iphones? I had one from the day they released the very first one in the UK and never had any problems, I just got a great deal on an android phone one year and decided to switch!
  • chr's Avatar
    @RossM It wasn't really a conscious decision. I just bought the 3G version many years ago and never looked back. As all my music and photos etc are in Apple it would be too much hassle for me to move now though I was almost tempted by a Blackberry a couple of years ago 🙂
  • KellyT's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    @RossM, I've very much like @chr and too committed to Apple to go elsewhere! After years and years of having an iPhone and MacBook, everything is saved and linked on both devices so would be too much of an effort to move all that over and start again :) I always hear really good reports about the Huawei phones though.
  • sarah_d's Avatar
    Community Manager
    I'm the same, have an apple device. We have i.pods, i.pads,, apple music, couldn't see myself changing. Had an Android years ago and wasn't for me, some great phones and generally the cameras and spec are better but still wouldn't sway me to change! Sorry that doesn't answer your question ha ha

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