At my wits end

  • Delilah's Avatar
    Please could somebody advise me. I have a Credit card with a balance transfer rate. I had somehow made a late payment a few days after the payment date :( which has caused the outstanding balance to accrue interest each month. This has wracked up a near additional £500 on my balance. I'm at my wits end, and shaking with worry. I'm having to care for a brain damaged partner, I have mental & physical health issues and on a reduce income due to the partners inability to now work. I have always payment what I owe on time, even making overpayments, however I belive the oversight was when my mental health declined. My panick attacks have set off with worry over trying to find an additional £500 to pay towards the actual balance. I don't know what to do. CAB said I should contact you and explain, which I have been on the phone but I still feel stuck in a vicious circle of never ending financial debt trying to find the extra money to pay off what I thought I'd been paying.
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  • Tesco-Bank's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    Hi , I'm sorry to hear about this. So that I can look into this for you, please message me at Tesco-Bank confirming your full name, DOB and postcode - Ainsley