Instant access cash ISA application

  • gremlinturner's Avatar
    Hi, I recently helped my elderly parents open online caseh ISAs. Unfortunately before the welcome packs arrived the Covid-19 outbreak took hold and as they are both over 70 and my father is in the high risk category they have now had to self-isolate, meaning I can't currently assist them directly. The problem is when my Mother's welcome pack arrived she simply had to sign and return the forms. My father's had a different covering letter and has been asked to forward identification documents. I used exactly the same process for both and they share a joint bank account which was linked on both applications . Obviously it is currently difficult for them to send these documents and it is not clear why they have been treated differently. My Mum contacted the call centre but was told basically it is just one of those things and that it was possible they could send out different forms for essentially the same account. They are now currently confused and it is causing them stress at a time they could do without it. I only recommended the account as I had found it all simple to set up so this has been disappointing. Any advice would be welcome
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    Tesco-Bank's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    Verified Answer
    Hi , I'm very sorry for the confusion caused.

    When we do an application for a Savings Account we will check the electoral register to make sure the information matches what we have as a form of confirming that you are the person making the application.

    If these details don't match then we may ask for supporting documentation. Going by what you've said, it appears that this is the case for your father but not your mother. As this isn't an account in their name, I'm unable to check this unfortunately.

    This can sometimes happen if the formatting is off on one of the addresses even if all the details match.

    I hope this helps to provide some clarity on the situation - Thomas