
Can I get a quote?
Our Loans Calculator can give you an indicative cost which uses our current representative APR appropriate to the loan size...
How can I apply for a Loan?
The quickest and easiest way to apply for a loan is to apply online. You can do this by visiting
What will happen to my loan if I die?
Your loan must be repaid using any funds in your Estate, before money and assets are distributed to the beneficiaries....
Do you offer Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) for Loans?
No. We no longer offer Payment Protection Insurance.

If you took out Payment Protection Insurance with us before...
Do you do payday loans?
No. Tesco Bank does not offer payday loans.
We offer loans from £3,000 to £35,000.
Visit the Loans section of...
Does my offer for an alternative loan with Shawbrook Bank affect my credit file?
There will be a soft credit check to see whether Shawbrook can make you a personalised loan offer. Don’t worry, other...
How can I accept my loan offer from Shawbrook Bank?
​​​​​​​You can call Shawbrook Bank directly on 0345 600 6260*. Opening hours are Mon – Fri 9am – 7pm, Sat 10am – 2pm,...
How do you ensure my data is kept and transferred securely?
Tesco Bank take the security of your personal information very seriously.

We assure you that all communication...
My offer from Shawbrook Bank has expired, can I still take out the loan?
​​​​​​​Loan offers remain valid for 30 days. If your personalised offer from Shawbrook Bank has expired, you...