What happens when my Fixed Rate ISA matures?

We will write to you at least 14 days before your account is due to mature and give you your options. You can ask us to;

  • Reinvest your account into another Fixed Rate Cash ISA with Tesco Bank (please note this can only be done on or after the maturity of the account)
  • Move your money to another account with Tesco Bank (if this account is not an ISA it will lose its tax free status)
  • Send your money to your linked or nominated account, (if this account is not an ISA it will lose its tax free status)

If you would like to transfer your funds to another ISA provider, see 'How do I move my ISA with Tesco Bank to another provider?'
If we do not hear from you, at the end of your fixed rate term your account will become an Instant Access Cash ISA and its terms and conditions will apply. Your account will earn interest at the Cash ISA Standard Rate and you can continue to make subscriptions and access the money in it as normal. If we no longer offer the Instant Access Cash ISA when your fixed term ends, we will write to you to let you know before this happens with full details.
The current rules for ISAs are subject to change by HM Revenue & Customs and the value of tax benefits depends on individual circumstance.
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