When will I start earning interest on my initial deposit into the Cash ISA account?

If your funds have been sent via Faster Payment, then you will start earning interest as soon as we receive your funds.

If we receive and process your cheque on a business day, your money will be available to spend and will start earning interest before midnight on the next business day. For example, if we receive your cheque on a Friday, your money will be available and start earning interest before midnight on Monday. You can check your payment has been successful by logging into our Mobile Banking App or by logging into Online Banking.

ISA Transfers
For Cash ISAs the transfer should be completed within 15 business days of us receiving your form. We will start paying interest from the day your existing ISA provider sends us your money or 16 business days after we receive your form (if this is earlier).Transfers from ISAs other than Cash ISAs may take up to 30 days.
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