What is No Claims Discount protection?

No Claims Discount (NCD) protection allows you to make two claims in the first policy year without reducing your no claims discount. If you renew your policy and have two claims in a three-year period, NCD protection will be removed, and if you were to have a third claim in this time, your NCD will be reduced. More information on how Protected NCD may be affected by multiple claims can be found in the Policy Booklet. Your no claims discount will not increase in any years in which you have a claim.

Protection is available to you if you have four or more years NCD. No Claims Discount Protection does not protect the overall price of your insurance policy. The price of your insurance policy and excess may increase at renewal following a claim even if you were not at fault.

Without NCD protection, claims where we are unable to make a full recovery from a third party will reduce your NCD.
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