
Where can I use Apple Pay?
Apple Pay lets you use your compatible device to pay in many stores accepting contactless payments. Look for one of these...
How do I use Apple Pay?
Using Apple Pay is easy no matter what device you use. To pay in shops, there is no need to wake your device. Simply hold...
Can I still collect my Tesco Clubcard points when using Apple Pay?
You’ll get your additional points as normal while you’re shopping.

If you’re using Apple Pay in a Tesco Store,...
How much can I spend using Apple Pay?
Tesco Bank does not put any limits in place outside of your agreed credit card limit. However, the majority of merchants...
I have missed a payment - what should I do?
If you’re struggling to make your payments, it’s best to get in touch with us as soon as you can. You'll find how to...
I’m experiencing financial difficulty and need to reduce my payments. What should I do?
We are here to support you when things get difficult with your finances. It’s helpful if we can discuss your circumstances...
I would like someone else to be able to deal with my account, what do I need to do?
With your permission we can discuss your account(s) with someone else acting on your behalf. In order to add an authorised...