
Are the in store exchange rates the same as the online exchange rates?
Please note that exchange rates may vary whether buying in store, online or via phone.

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Are my pipes or underground services covered?
You're covered for the cost of accidental damage to services, pipes, and cables you're responsible for and provide services...
Do I need authorisation before I proceed with repairs or replacement
You'll need to speak to the claims team before you incur any costs or proceed with repairs or replacement of your lost or...
Who will you appoint to assess my claim?
We may pass your claim to our nominated suppliers, who will assist you in settling the claim. These suppliers may include:...
What happens if my situation changes?
You need to let us know about any changes that could affect your cover as soon as possible. Some changes you'll need to...
What is matching of items?
If you claim for a damaged item that’s part of a matching set or suite (e.g. flooring, tiles, bathroom suite, kitchen,...