Planned maintenance
To ensure we continue to deliver excellent service to our customers we’re carrying out some planned upgrades to our systems. As a result, Online and Mobile Banking is unavailable to customers from 8pm on Saturday 22nd until approximately 6.30am on Sunday 23rd. For any urgent queries during this time please call our Customer Service department. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Name change – what do I need to do?

If you need to change your name with us, you need to send us your request in writing. Your letter should include;
  • Your account or card number (if you have more than product with us, please ensure all are listed within your letter)
  • Confirmation that you want to change your name
  • Provide your new and old signature

Depending on the reason you are changing your name, we need one of the following bits of documentation;
  • Your marriage certificate – we need to see the actual document issued by the registrar on the day of marriage or a certified copy that’s been issued by the registrar
  • Deed poll certificate – the original document or a certified copy
  • Decree Absolute – the original document (please note - if you are changing back to your maiden name, the decree absolute doesn't usually confirm what the maiden name is. In these cases you will also be asked to provide evidence of your maiden name such by sending either your birth certificate, or a certified copy of your new passport or driving licence)

Once we receive your letter, we will scan your certificate and send it back. We will also send it back via the same method you sent it, so if you send it via recorded delivery, we’ll also return it that way. This can take up to 10 working days to be processed and returned to you.
The address you need to send your letter to will vary dependent on the product you have with us;
  • Credit Card – Tesco Bank, PO Box 343, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE12 2GE
  • Loan – Tesco Bank, PO Box 27014, Glasgow, G2 9FE
  • Current Account – Tesco Bank, PO Box 339, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE12 2FZ
  • Savings – Tesco Bank, PO Box 27017, Glasgow, G2 9FH
  • Mortgage – Tesco Bank, PO Box 1214, Cheltenham, GL50 9WL

Please note that for Car or Home Insurance policies, you do not need to send in documents to change your name. You can update your surname 24 hours a day via Your Insurance Account.
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