Christmas traditions . . .

  • sarah_d's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Morning everyone, how are you all?

    As we are now in December, I'd love to hear all about your Christmas traditions?

    For me it is all about the elf on the shelf, I've built myself quite a reputation among friends. For five years I have done a different set up for 25 days every December. It's getting more and more challenging I have to say.

    I also like to bake cookies on Christmas Eve.

    Let me know your traditions in the comments below

  • 5 Replies

  • 25H's Avatar
    Community superstar
    Hi Sarah @sarah_d
    Sounds like your December is busy
    Not sure that I have any traditions as such!!
    I do bake a fruit cake from scratch in August, pour brandy into it then wrap it up before marzipanning and iceing it in December for the Christmas cake.
    Christmas Eve is time to make the mince pies.
    Usually on Christmas Day I spend all morning in the kitchen prepping and cooking the Christmas roast dinner, well every other year as we have Christmas dinner with friends and alternate every year.
    This year plans have not been finalised yet.

  • sarah_d's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Hey Caroline

    I've yet to try and make a Christmas cake, I may try next year! Not sure what our plans are this year either, hoping we get to see some family and friends. Certainly will be a little different I'm sure.

    My sister is cooking this year, we are having turkey and gammon.

    It's going to be here before we know it!
  • Sheena1975's Avatar
    Pitching in
    Hi sarah

    i do home made hampers at Christmas, jams, chutneys and a cake! Cake can vary depending what mood Im in last year was a lemon drizzle cake but this year have found an amazing recipe for a salted caramel Christmas cake (will have to make one and try it before I can gift it away though) I usually do about 4 hampers for friends - it started one year when I was a little financially challenged so was a great way to spread the cost but since then it’s become a bit of an expectation lol
  • AmyM's Avatar
    Your Community Manager
    Morning everyone!

    Happy 1st December!

    How organised or unorganised are you all for Christmas? Have any elves made a reappearance again this morning, whether welcomed or unwelcomed? What's everyone got in their advent calendars this morning?

    Christmas is without a doubt, my favourite time of the year. I'm really looking forward to all the food, catch ups with friends and family, crisp and cold winter walks with the dog and spending some time off out in the fresh air.

    Let us know what your Christmas or festive period traditions are! I would love to know what everyone else gets up to in December!
