What is the first thing you will do when lock-down ends?

  • RossM's Avatar
    Former Community Manager
    2020 was a different year for most of us, after way too many months of being stuck inside, there are loads of things that may be high up on your post-lock-down activity list. From finally giving a family member a cuddle, to having after-work drinks with friends. Below are some of the things I am most looking forward to:

    Saturday Morning Coffee with Family
    I'm sure that like me, you can't wait for the pubs to open for some drinks with friends (who isn’t?!). But the only thing I'm missing more is visiting a good old coffee shop for a weekly catch up with my Parents and Uncle. For years we have met most Saturdays for a natter about our week whilst drinking overpriced coffee and eating cake that my Mum has brought with her (My son calls it Bagcake). This is the only time I really get to spend with my immediate family so tops my list.

    Go to a Gig/Festival
    My partner is a huge music fan, which means that our date nights usually involve attending live concerts, or (on occasion) a music festival! Seeing her dancing, singing, and having a great time, always brings a smile to my face. We have some tickets already booked for 2021 and I have all my fingers and toes crossed that they go ahead when it is safe to do so.

    Day trip to a theme park
    A Theme Park might not be the first thing that pops into your mind when you’re thinking about life after lock-down, but Is there really anything better than the adrenaline rush of a good rollercoaster? I will arrange a trip on the premise that it is for my kids, but in reality, it is 100% for me.

    What are you most looking forward to after lock-down? Let me know in the comments below.
  • 14 Replies

  • ChristopherP's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    I've missed going to gigs so much! Never turning down a ticket for anyone ever again, don't even care who it is! 

    Got a couple of gigs booked for the summer, so like you just hoping we can get to go.

    I'm looking forward to seeing my grandparents, my niece and 6 month old nephew. I've barely seen him 

    Also can't wait to go to the football with @KeiganM and have a drink with all of you guys! It will be a good night I'm sure (whenever it may be) 
  • CSKBrambles's Avatar
    Above and beyond
    The first thing i'll do is say THANK HEAVENS !!

    Next up a gathering of the clans, with a heartfelt invitation to our twin girls.

    A big hit in 1965 by "The Drfters"

    Come on over to my place, hey you we're having a party

    I'm looking forward in earnest to that elusive day.

    Good luck guys, we've earned some of that by now !

    Come on over to my place
  • crb227's Avatar
    Sounds like we’ve all got a lot to look forward to when this is all over! :)

    Personally I can’t wait to go on holiday again. It's been over a year since I last went away and I’ve really missed exploring new places, relaxing by the pool and enjoying the hot weather.

    I’m also looking forward to being able to meet up with some my friends again who live in different parts of the country. We've done Zoom calls but it's just not the same as face-to-face interaction!
  • RossM's Avatar
    Former Community Manager

    The next thing is 'FREEDOM'!!

    As a Scotsman, I did my best Mel Gibson in Braveheart impression when I read this 😁
  • heanor_man_34's Avatar
    The first thing I'll do is pay a visit to London; I've not been in nearly four years and I like taking a trip down there.

    Let's hope it's not too long before we're all able to do the things we've had to postpone!
  • RossM's Avatar
    Former Community Manager
    London is a good shout @heanor_man_34, I've been excited to see Hamilton on stage for a few years now and not had the opportunity. I know there is a movie on Disney+ but trying my hardest not to watch it til I've seen it on stage! What would you do, whilst on your trip?
  • heanor_man_34's Avatar
    London is a good shout @heanor_man_34, I've been excited to see Hamilton on stage for a few years now and not had the opportunity. I know there is a movie on Disney+ but trying my hardest not to watch it til I've seen it on stage! What would you do, whilst on your trip?

    I've only ever been to one stage show in London; that was Bodyguard: The Musical featuring Beverley Knight. Missed the first 20 minutes or so as my Mum and I went the wrong way on the London Underground... 😂.
    Keep meaning to walk across the top of Tower Bridge-I've climbed the o2 (which I recommend to anyone!) so need to do that next.
  • RossM's Avatar
    Former Community Manager
    I would love to do that @heanor_man_34 ,although I have developed a fear of heights recently. That would either cure me, or leave me in a quivering mess!!
  • heanor_man_34's Avatar
    I would love to do that @heanor_man_34 ,although I have developed a fear of heights recently. That would either cure me, or leave me in a quivering mess!!

    You'd be fine @RossM-in fact once you'd arrived at the top you'd love it!