December Winners

  • RossM's Avatar
    Former Community Manager
    Out of interest @CSKBrambles, what is it about where you are moving to that makes it so appealing? I know this has been dragging on for a whole so really happy that you can now move :)
  • CSKBrambles's Avatar
    Above and beyond
    Hiya Ross, @RossM

    There are an awful lot of reasons for moving, almost too many to mention !
    This move sparks a new adventure for me and my wife for our golden years.
    We are both due to claim our state pension this year, but feel much younger and love walking.
    Ceredigion is the most rural county in Wales.
    The beautiful coastline here offers us another 870 miles to explore.
    We have great fiends in the area, who own pubs, and campsites.
    My family in Ireland are a short hop on the car ferry from Fishguard.
    The house is brand spanking new, and we have been able to choose all the finishes.
    We get so much more for our money here, replacing a 3 bed semi with a 3 bed detatched.
    The views are magnificent, panoramic and beyond anything that we could ever imagine in our price range.
    We come out of this with £100k spending money left over from our sale.
    Friends and family will love it here, and we will be inviting them to stay regularly.

    That gives you a flavour of our reasoning behind the move.
    Everybody was gobsmacked when we announced our plans, but now they share our excitement.
    I'll post some pictures of the house after our exchange on 4th February.

    Life's too short, it just had to be done !

    Regards, Chris, @CSKBrambles
  • RossM's Avatar
    Former Community Manager
    They all seem like pretty good reasons to me @CSKBrambles, I have to admit I am a bit of a city boy, so appreciate the countryside when I can get there. Can't wait to see the pictures :)
  • heanor_man_34's Avatar
    Thank you @RossM and well done to all of the other winners for December 2020 :D

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