What Song Gets You Excited Every Time It Comes On?

  • RossM's Avatar
    Former Community Manager
    I've worked at home for a while now and one of the benefits is that I can have music on all day! I had a random Spotify playlist on there whilst updating a spreadsheet and Titanium by David Guetta and Sia came pumping out my speakers... I caught myself instantly smiling and singing along (badly). Unfortunately my son came through and told me to shut up as I was puting him off his Xbox. This got me thinking if the community does the same, what songs instantly improve your mood and make you smile?

  • 2 Replies

  • 25H's Avatar
    Community superstar
    There are lots of songs that get me singing along @RossM not that I'm a singer also!!!

    The one that get's me singing the most is from the film 'Stardust' (a great film if you've not seen it) Take That's Rule The World:


    Have a lovely weekend, Caz @25H
  • heanor_man_34's Avatar
    Good afternoon,
    @25H I haven't seen Stardust since it was first released but it was indeed a great film. Must be getting on for nearly fifteen years ago now?
    @RossM must admit this one of my lesser favourite songs (think I've heard it too much listening to a local radio station playing it constantly) but it's definitely a party kind of weekend song, especially in the summer.

    When I first heard Midnight Sky by Miley Cyrus I kept hearing Edge of Seventeen by Stevie Nicks in my head then this happened:


    Otherwise I listen to Heart 90s a lot-great to hear songs from 21+ years ago 🤣