Interest Free Days on credit card

  • kelis9803's Avatar
    Hi, I have a query regarding interest free days on my credit card. I have long since passed the interest free period on my card, and have recently made a large purchase for a holiday (I had a zero balance before this purchase), the cost of which is to be divided between 3 families. The transaction is showing online, but not within my current statement period, ie the minimum balance due by 26 January is still saying zero. The transaction will therefore show on my February statement I assume, so the question is at which point will interest be charged, as I am keen to pay the card off before any interest gets added on. Any help gratefully appreciated !
  • 3 Replies

  • Verified Answer

    VanessaM3's Avatar
    Verified Answer
    Hi , when you get your next statement through it will have the balance on it but you won’t be charged interest at that point. Interest will only be applied if you don’t pay off the balance in full by the payment due date on your statement. If you don’t pay the full balance before the due date then interest will be applied from when the purchase was initially made on the following month’s statement. Hope this helps.
  • Nate's Avatar
    Some cards have 56 days interest free on purchases, some 28 days...are you saying that if we do not pay the full balance off by the 'minimum due date' we get 0 days interest free on purchases on the outstanding amount?
  • MargaretC's Avatar


    Hi, yes that's correct. When you receive your statement that shows the purchase balance, if that balance isn't paid in full before the due date then interest will be applied on the outstanding balance. When the following month's statement is produced the interest will be applied from when the purchase was initially made. Hope this helps.