Re: Has the way I log in to Online Banking changed?

  • Daval13's Avatar
    This is a load of rubbish, they don't remember registered laptops. I have two laptops, one in UK and one at my holiday home in Spain. Every time I change from my UK to Spain laptop, when I try to log on, I receive a message to say I will be sent a security number, as they don't recognise the computer. I have confirmed both laptops are safe, but it has not been remembered as Tesco's Bank suggests. This time I am very unhappy as I am in Spain and have received an email to say my statement is ready to view. I tried to log on, but had the same message saying a secure text would be sent to my mobile, BUT IT NEVER ARRIVED! I tried again, but still no security text message. I've had the same mobile number for years, and Tesco's have used it before, and they even stated the last number digits correctly. So now I'm completely unable to view my statement transactions, which is extremely worrying for me. There is no email help available, and it's expensive to phone from Spain-especially if I'm kept waiting. This is all very frustrating and makes my account very insecure if I am unable to keep a check on my transactions. I am not at all happy.
  • 12 Replies

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    Daval13's Avatar
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    With the help of Vanessa and Gail, I managed to overcome the technical hitches together with the help of my son in UK as well. It's sad that there are so many unscrupulous people in the world making it necessary for such strong security. Obviously we would have much more to worry about if the security was weak. Hopefully after our next time in UK, when we return again to Spain, my laptop will be recognised, but if not, I'll know what to do this time. Happily now I am able to gain access to my transactions, thankyou to a very helpful Gail at Tesco customer services.
  • ecarter19's Avatar
    This whole business of sending a code to a mobile is such a total pain I shall be giving up Tesco Banking soon. We have no mobile signal at home and they are always coming back ususally after an update requiring me to enter an access code sent to the mobile:mansad There is no way I would go paperless with these sort of on-line issues
  • Daval13's Avatar
    Hello, at least I'm glad that I am not alone! Like you I am not at all happy with this terrible service. I've just tried once again to see if I can log in to my account to view the statement, thinking perhaps I might receive the security text being in working hours on a weekday, rather than a Sunday evening. My mobile is working, as I've received other text messages from UK, so it's not due to a bad signal. The **bleep** "help"comment from Tesco's, is that as I haven't received my security text message, they will have to send me another by post, what use is that to me as I'm in Spain. I have all sorts of security questions that I can answer, which were arranged when the internet account was opened, so what was the point of having these questions???Like you, I am extremely disappointed with Tesco's customer services, their strange ways are completely rediculous and impossible, like you as soon as we arrive home in a few weeks, I will certainly be cancelling Tesco Credit Card and moving to a more sensible bank. Thank you for your reply, and good luck with your new bank, and quite a lot of them give a reward amount to join them too! (;-)
  • VanessaM3's Avatar
    Hi  & 

    I’m sorry for the inconvenience this has caused. There may be a number of reasons your computer/computers aren’t recognised.

    If you clear your browsing history and cookies on the computer, when logging into our website you will be prompted to send a one-time access code (OTAC) to your mobile number on file as part of our additional security. Our recognised device token is stored in your cookies, so if they are deleted then your device will be unrecognised when trying to log in to our website.

    If you have recently had to reset your security as either your security number or password was locked, this will then disable any other recognised device you have registered as the security is no longer the same as when you recognised the device.

    When your device is due and update this can also delete the recongised token we use, again making your device unrecognised.

    You could download an alternative browser such as Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer to use only for online banking. This would mean you wouldn’t need to clear the browser history very frequently and therefore prevent the issue you are currently having.

    If you have an android or apple phone it may benefit you to download our mobile banking app? I am pleased to say that clearing the browser history on your phone won’t affect the mobile app.

    I understand you’ve had the same mobile number for years; however have you changed your mobile lately? The reason I ask, is that some mobile devices have a message block setting, which will prevent you from receiving our messages.
  • Daval13's Avatar
    Hello Vanessa, yes I do have a new smart mobile, which I am still learning how to use (I am a "Silver Surfer") so have not been reared with all this technology. Also my Spanish laptop had lots of updates when we returned here a couple of weeks ago, so that is probably the answer to the problems I've been having. You suggest downloading another Google or Firefox to deal with banking transactions, but I haven't the faintest idea how to do that.I do understand the need for strong security these days, and I am very vigilant in keeping everything safe and secure, and double checking everything, which is the reason why I like to keep an eye on my transactions. But I certainly think there ought to be another option other than receiving a mobile message to enable us to view our statements. As mentioned by another community member, if you live in an area with a poor mobile signal, do you run outside and up the hill to get a good signal?? By the time you arrive back to your computor the ten minutes would be up! I see I had a missed call on my mobile from yesterday, we were out for the day and I'd left my phone at home, but it was an unexpected call ending in 0034. The message was from Tesco's but I couldn't hear the message clearly on the voicemail. The point is, I was originally asked for security words to enable access to my account, but these seem to be no longer used, what is the point of having them?? Plus when us pensioners have this type of problem, all we have is these **bleep** FAQS, which are of no use whatsoever in a case like this, and there is no email or chat available to help us, so we end up getting more and more angry and frustrated, I had a headache and couldn't sleep for hours after going round and around in circles trying to find a contact email. If we phone from Spain it is quite expensive, ok for quick private calls, but usually when phoning banks and company's, the call is never quick! So I prefer to email or text. I do not wish to have banking access on my mobile phone as it's extra security risk to worry about, and I have no idea how to put an "App" on it anyway! I think the easiest way is to stop using my Tesco Card, when the outstanding amount is cleared I will close the account. But thank you for attempting to help.
  • VanessaM3's Avatar
    It’s a bit difficult to explain how to download another browser onto your computer without speaking with you. If you would like, we can arrange to give you a call back when you’re back in the UK. All we would need you to do is, private message your full name, contact number and what day and time would be best to call you on. We can also discuss your mobile phone, in case it is one of the smart phones that have text message blockers on them. Alternatively you can call our Online Helpdesk on 0345 300 3511 who will also be able to help.

    For your online banking, if your computer is recognised, you would be asked for 2 digits of your security number and password which would gain you access to view your accounts. The security questions you set up would be asked if and when you called us along with your security number.

    I will pass on your comments regarding the mobile phone required to gain access to online banking and also about the FAQ’s. If you do need anything in the future you know where we are J
  • Daval13's Avatar
    I felt so pleased when my problem was resolved and I was again able to have my laptop in Spain recognised and could view my statements online easily once again, BUT I have now returned to UK, and had the same problem once again, but had help from Ian at Customer services, and was soon able to look at my statements once again, so I sighed a sigh of relief thinking all was ok again. BUT a couple of days ago, I had an email saying I had a new statement to view, and so I TRIED to login, then the problems began all over again. I had a message saying laptop not recognised, so received the mobile one time security number, typed that in, and my new password, it wasn't accepted, I tried my original password-not accepted, I tried to ring the help number, I was told Ian was not available, but he would help me. But then he asked me security questions, and it seemed they were not correct??? He gave me another number to ring to see if they could help.....I've had this same Tesco account for years, my details certainly have NOT changed. I must say I am again extremely unhappy, I feel like I'm trying to go the wrong way up an escalator, I'm getting more and more frustrated and not getting anywhere at all.
  • NickJ's Avatar
    Hi , I'm sorry to hear about the issues you're experiencing on your laptops and the confusion on the call you've described. Do you have more than one product with Tesco Bank?

    Since sending this message have you been in contact with us again or been able to access your online banking? If not, please send a private message to myself and  including your name, DOB and postcode. You will have to enter your DOB and postcode with a space between each letter/number e.g 3 0 / 0 5 / 1 6.
  • Daval13's Avatar
    Hello Nick, You ask me to send you a private message with my birthday and postcode, but no explanation of how I send you a PRIVATE message, because I gather this message will be read by anyone on the community?? So even this is not made clear. In answer to your question, I only have one product with Tesco Bank, which is my Credit card, which I agreed to because of the extra Tesco points, but I will not be using it again, I will pay off the outstanding balance and be applying for a credit card with my bank, which is so much easier to access. Tesco seems to have fun blocking all queries and making its customers more and more frustrated with the way it works, it's certainly not worth the hassle for a few extra Tesco points. Even sending these messages is frustrating, you have to be able to type at top speed, otherwise you get timed out!