Tesco Banking App not working on Iphone6

  • MargaretC's Avatar
    Thanks for getting back with the code @markbell50 can I ask that you try to log in again? If you’re still getting an error, please contact our Online Helpdesk on 0345 300 3511 available 24/7 and they can run through some further checks.
  • markbell50's Avatar
    It doesn't give me the opportunity to log in at all, all it does as soon as I open the app is give me the error message.
  • ScottW's Avatar
    Hi @markbell50

    Thanks for getting back in touch and I'm sorry that you've still not been able to access the app. Have you tried calling the number Margaret mentioned in an earlier post? My colleagues will be able to check a few things with you and hopefully get you back into the account.

    Let us know how you get on.
  • Robert_T's Avatar
    Hi Mark,

    Have you "Jailbroken" your iPhone at all?

    If you dont know what this is, no worries :smileytongue:

    DNS-01 is where the phone is sending some handset identification data to the Bank and somewhere along the line, it is triggering a block on our side and preventing you from logging in or registering.

    Although the title of this post is not working on iPhone 6, can I confirm, it isn't actually working for you on the new iPhone SE?

    Can I confirm the following:

    a. Is it a normal SE iPhone (i.e. not imported from abroad)?

    b. Do you get the error accessing the Bank on WIFI, 3G/4G or both?

    c. What is your carrier (3, O2, EE etc)

    I understand that It is difficult trying to diagnose this on the community forum.

    If you were to contact our Online Banking team 24/7 on 0345 300 3511, they will be able to raise a technical call and our technical support guys would be able to track down exactly the actual cause of the error code "DNS-01" if you tell them on the call your details and the exact time and date you get the error.

    I understand contacting help desks are not everyones idea of fun, however this would really help us track the issue and get you up-and-running as soon as we can.

    In the meantime, we will continue to investigate what the issue might be with our app and the new SE.

    Thanks Mark,


  • tesco-customer's Avatar
    I have exactly the same problem and have faced exactly the same blank response from phoning customer service. It has been a problem for well over a year for me, before the DNS-01 error code was provided in a new version of the app. I believe simply from the code DNS that it's a DNS problem? Perhaps that's too obvious - This means the app maybe trying to connect to the wrong server. Although it's frustrating I have found that after trying five more times it will eventually let you in. I'm guessing that the each attempt the app tries to connect to a different server.