Applying For Loan Online

  • Morris2021's Avatar
    Just looking
    I have tried to apply for a loan online and it keeps asking me to log in.........while I am logged in So I keep getting stuck in a loop??
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  • Verified Answer

    25H's Avatar
    Community superstar
    Verified Answer
    Hi @Morris2021

    I'm really sorry to hear this.
    You could try closing all tabs and then clearing your cookies to see if this will resolve it.

    If that doesn't help you could contact Tesco's UK-based team who are available seven days a week.
    Tel 0345 600 6016. Lines are open Monday to Friday, 8am-8pm and Saturday to Sunday, 9am to 3pm.
    Here is a link with further information about contacting them including using Twitter and Facebook and a link to apply online.

    You could send Tesco Bank a private message from here and ask them to look into this for you, however it may be Monday before they could get back to you.
    Just click on this link:
    Complete it with your message and include your full name, date of birth and postcode.
    Click 'Submit Message' and this will send your message securely and privately.

    Hope this helps!!

    Have a lovely weekend, Caz @25H

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