NCD from Policy under my wife's name

  • Sandman's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    I had a company car for 25+ years up until Feb '21
    My wife has her own car and for some reason, over the years that policy is under my name with my wife as the owner and main driver.
    I bought my own car in Feb '21 and the same insurer wouldn't let me be the main policy name for 2 cars.
    We crazily then tool out a 2nd policy to cover my new car under my wife's name with me as the owner and main driver.
    I got 5 years no claims for my company car years and I now have a 6th year NCD for the past 12 months.
    Can I use this 6 years NCD to start my own policy with Tesco under my own name. I have my renewal notice in, albeit under my wife's name but lists 6 years earned with this vehicle or previous vehicle by myself.
  • 2 Replies

  • ChristopherP's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    I had a company car for 25+ years up until Feb '21
    My wife has her own car and for some reason, over the years that policy is under my name with my wife as the owner and main driver.
    I bought my own car in Feb '21 and the same insurer wouldn't let me be the main policy name for 2 cars.
    We crazily then tool out a 2nd policy to cover my new car under my wife's name with me as the owner and main driver.
    I got 5 years no claims for my company car years and I now have a 6th year NCD for the past 12 months.
    Can I use this 6 years NCD to start my own policy with Tesco under my own name. I have my renewal notice in, albeit under my wife's name but lists 6 years earned with this vehicle or previous vehicle by myself.
    Hey, thanks for getting in touch. We can only accept NCD that is in your own name. I think in this case it might be best speaking to your previous insurance company to see if they are able to provide you with your own certificate. If they can't then please call us on 0345 246 2895 (Mon - Fri: 8am - 8pm, Sat - Sun: 9am - 2pm) and we'll see what we can do.
  • Sandman's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    Thanks for the quick reply and advice