Uninsured drivers

  • JDM0809's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    What cover do you have if a policy holder is hit by an uninsured driver?
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    ChristopherP's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    Verified Answer
    What cover do you have if a policy holder is hit by an uninsured driver?
    Hey there, thanks for getting in touch. When a claim is made as a result of being hit by an uninsured driver, the policyholder may have to initially pay their excess and, if investigations are still ongoing when the renewal is due, they may lose their No Claims Discount (NCD) temporarily. However, once we are satisfied that the accident was the fault of the identified uninsured driver, we will refund the excess to the policyholder, restore the NCD, and refund any extra premium they paid for any temporary loss of NCD.

    However, please be aware that details of the incident will need to be validated before the cover applies. This means the policyholder will not be covered if we're unable to identify the other driver, establish their fault or confirm they were uninsured at the time.

    I hope this clarifies things for you.