Paperless Statements

  • Kipper's Avatar
    Does anyone know how I can get Tesco to stop asking me if I want paperless statements? Call me a Luddite but I like the paper statement and am getting fed up of having to remember to tick the relavent box nearly every time I view my account on line.
  • 4 Replies

  • NickJ's Avatar
    Hi , can I just confirm how you're closing window when it asks if you would to set up paperless statements? If you select the option to 'Skip' this it will continue to appear when you log in. To stop this from appearing when you manage your account you will need to press ' No Thanks' then confirm this option.
  • Kipper's Avatar
    Thank you for the reply but over the last few months I have posatively confirmed on several occassions that I want paper statements and even raised the matter with the help desk . The repeated suggestions that I might like paperless statements then stopped but after break of less than a month they are back! I could live with the irrating pop up if only it did not put the onus on me to do something if I want the status quo to continue - not at all customer friendly
  • ScottW's Avatar
    Hi @Kipper

    Thanks for getting back in touch. We've checked with our colleagues in our Online Department and they've said that if you're set up to receive paper statements then a message asking about going paperless will pop-up every 90 days. If, as you're saying, this is happening more often, then we'd need to investigate further into your account.

    To do that, we would need to take some further information from you. Can you send a private message to myself and copy in @NickJ with your name, DOB and postcode? When you send these details, please ensure to enter them with spaces like this: 2 5 / 0 5 / 2 0 1 6. Alternatively, you can call the Online department directly on 0345 300 3511, available 24/7.
  • Kipper's Avatar
    I will try and do this the next time the message shows so we have a time and date to work to. Nevertheless I am not so fickle in my views that I am likely to change my mind in 90 days. If Tesco feel obliged to remind me that the facility is there could they at least design their system so I actively have to opt for paperless statement rather than, as I have said already, putting the onus on me. I have no doubt that one day I will be obliged to have paperless statements as customer service is something to which only lip service is paid but until that time why can't Tesco make it easy?

Need some help?