Money transfer to Tesco saver not working/account not recogn by other bank

  • Caprese's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    After opening a fixed rate saver with Tesco 2 days ago, I received the instant message "pleased to confirm your account has been opened"...Thanks for confirming your first payment will be made by Transfer from another bank...Please use the account details above for setting up your transfer". I the tried to make the money transfer to the given account details, only to find that my bank - and this is not a xyz bank, it's TSB - told me "We weren't able to check the account details at this time...I accept that continuing may result in my money being sent to the wrong account" I've tried about 10 times since then. With the threat in mind that my money would be lost in nirwana if I went on with the online transfer, I then went to a TSB bank in the hope to get this sorted out, only to see them receiving the exact same message. They were not able to explain this to me. By now, I've wasted nearly a day on this fruitless attempts of simply following your instructions.
  • 3 Replies

  • RossM's Avatar
    Former Community Manager
    @Caprese The details provided would be correct. I'm unsure why TSB would display this message if I am totally honest and sounds like there security doesn't have Tesco Bank listed. This sounds like it may be one for TSB rather than anything we can do our side
  • Caprese's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    @RossM it took TSB 3 days to acknowledge the account. The transfer finally went through today.
  • RossM's Avatar
    Former Community Manager
    @RossM it took TSB 3 days to acknowledge the account. The transfer finally went through today.

    Glad its sorted. Its a strange one if I am totally honest. No idea why they would not recognise us.

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