Personal loan application

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  • Jamespieroni89's Avatar
    Just looking
    I applied for a loan online and after 5 days received this text message:

    “Your loan has been approved. Your personalised offer has been sent to you. You will receive your documentation within the next 3-4 days. To proceed, please read, sign and return the credit agreement”

    Does this mean the loan has been accepted and documents are being posted? I assumed it would just be signed electronically but nothing via email.

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    25H's Avatar
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    Verified Answer
    Hi @Jamespieroni89

    Yes it does mean you've been accepted.
    Tesco Bank do not send an email.

    If your application is approved or approved in principle:

    • You’ll receive some important documents within five days, which you’ll need to check, sign and return to us.
    • We may also request some additional documents to support your application, such as proof of your identity or address. You must send these with your signed loan documents.
    • Once we receive your signed loan documents, with any supporting documentation we requested, we'll make some final checks.
    • Once we're happy with the information you've sent, we'll fully approve your loan and pay the money into your bank account. We will send you a text message to confirm that we have completed the transfer.

    Hope this helps!!

    Warm wishes, Caz @25H