My postal address has a village name above the town - how do I enter this?

  • mtford's Avatar
    My postal address is of the form

    123 High Street
    XY12 3XY

    There are many "High Streets" in different villages within the TOWNNAME post town area, and also a High Street in TOWNNAME itself (not the High Street where I live). But the Tesco Bank website doesn't let me enter an extra line for the village. Should I just enter the address without the village, and rely on the postcode to differentiate (even though this would be incomplete according to the address in Royal Mail's database)?

    Even with the postcode included, I am concerned that my statements could be incorrectly delivered to

    123 High Street

    which is a real address for a different street, a few miles away from my home.
    Last edited by mtford; 11-04-22 at 13:16. Reason: clarification
  • 2 Replies

  • Yjim44's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    I would go for online statements and print them off
  • mtford's Avatar
    I would go for online statements and print them off
    I still need to be able to receive new cards by post, though.

    To add more context - the reason I was editing my address was because one of our cards got melted in the tumble dryer, and the website wouldn't let me order a replacement without "re-confirming" my address. In the process of re-confirming, the village name got deleted from the address, and I can't put it back because there is no longer a box for it.