Credit card payments halted while fraud team investigate

  • Anchorboots's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    Hello all,

    I got a tesco credit card a few months back and I am currently abroad and will be out of the UK for many more months.

    Recently I tried using my credit card to purchase crypto, long story short I learnt my lesson that tesco bank doesn't really approve such purchases, lesson learnt.

    I was advised through calling the tesco bank team that my account was being looked at by the fraud department, which is absolutely fine, but the thing is I have no way of contacting them without incurring huge overseas charges.

    I want to use my credit card for other things now, not anything crypto related, so just want to get in contact with the fraud team so they can ask me any questions necessary in order to allow me to use my card again.

    Anyone have any suggestions on how to get through to them so my account is unfrozen or whatever they've done? If I ring customer service they can put me through to the fraud department but I was on hold for 15 minutes until I gave up and my phone bill came to more than £100 from that and from contacting tesco bank. Apparently fraud team can't call me if I am abroad either.

    Any help would be much appreciated.
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  • RobbieT's Avatar
    Hi @Anchorboots, thanks for getting in touch. So we can look into this for you, please send a private message to @Tesco-Bank using this link.