My Tesco credit card will not allow me to pay for my online groceries.

  • jbailey6550's Avatar
    On the look out
    I cannot pay for my groceries with my Tesco credit card. I have had no food in my home due to me not being able to pay for this. Tesco groceries said you need to get in touch with the bank. I've tried this because it's Tesco bank. For the past 14 days and being on to them today from 10am to now. This of which is a joke. Tesco bank have said it's Tesco groceries you need to speak to. Tesco groceries have said you need to speak to TESCO BANK.

    I'm no further in resolving an issue, just to order and pay for my groceries online, with yourselves. If I could I would send you the telephone bill, day & evening time. To try & sort this mess out, for me please. I don't ask a lot from anyone. I've a good tolerance, this has really wound me up.

    If your not careful I, can take my business elsewhere. Not what I wanted, i've been with Tesco a long time. I've never had an issue with my Tesco credit card/clubcard. Also the online food order I wanted to place online. Was a large amount of money, nearly £200. I have vouchers, extra points to use and other items to help the carers to cook me a meal in the morning and a hot meal in the morning. It's not that easy to get out to do a general shop. All due to having a A1 bleed on the brain & a stroke. This effecting a lot of my right side of my body. I never thought it would hold me back, in the way it did.

    Can your Customer Team please, please give the immediate attention.

    Kindest regards,

    Miss Janet Bailey
    ** Please don't post personal details ** - mod edit
    All data connected to this issue will be found on your day to day queues, issues & a lot of phone calls to you over the past 14 days (2 weeks).
    Last edited by RossM; 02-11-22 at 13:55.
  • 11 Replies

  • KeiganM's Avatar
    Hi @jbailey6550, I'm really sorry to hear this. Could I ask the last time you attempted this and when you last spoke with us over the phone?
  • jbailey6550's Avatar
    On the look out
    I have been on the phone since 10am to 4pm today. This of which the last phone call to tourselves. I'm trying to get a resolution from Tesco groceries and or Tesco bank. Resolving this issue and getting no where fast. On the phone, internet on my mobile phone. I'm not which is giving me the help I need. Just to put my order through. One is saying it's a Tesco bank and they say it's a groceries issue.
    I'm a really patient person. Only this has now really wound and is rubbing me up. All I want in some food, for the carer's to do me a hot meal at night time.

    Would it be easier to transfer all my groceries on to a completely new account. Where all my details can be transferred. With all my vouchers, emails, food ordering, money details, to start from scratch.
    You say don't communicate this way. Why the above shows what us Customer's have to put up with. Nearly 16 days without my order going through is a hoke and unbelievable.
    If this ever gets resolved I would except a big apology on your side. I can take so much, when I hope some other Management, Staff, Customers, do read what goes on behind the screens.
    You can pass this to your Manager of the Store, or the Manager who you so wish to. In a matter of fat it would show what us a Customer has to put up on a daily basis.

    Yours faithfully
    Miss Janet Bailey
    [email protected]
    Last edited by jbailey6550; 02-11-22 at 17:05. Reason: No resolution to me putting an order through
  • CarolineD's Avatar
    @jbailey6550 I'm sorry to hear this, Janet. So, we can check this for you, please send a private message to @Tesco-Bank using this link.
  • jbailey6550's Avatar
    On the look out
    I've been trying all days all hours for past 17 days. On the phone yesterday 4pm or round abouts, & unbelievable message from the main email address, before all these small mailing. This of which i've used today.

    You don't know what I think of TESCO'S right now. Over 2 1/2 weeks to still no resolution is beyond me. Regards
  • KeiganM's Avatar
    I'm really sorry about this, Janet. Please send a private message using the above link and we can help.
  • jbailey6550's Avatar
    On the look out
    Hi, what more information regards my Tesco Card. What more can I send you. Now 18 days still no positive answers on how & why my credit card will not work. Tesco bank & Tesco groceries just passing the buck with each other.
    I will all the valid vouchers which are nearly up. No food by using my Tesco Credit Master Card. I have quite a few vouchers reaching there past or out & up very soon . One for a double shop. Where this would be 1 of 2 shops in NOVEMBER 2022,. VOUCHERS, I KNOW SOME are close to the expiry dates.

    I cannot believe no one person at Tesco's can help anyone. There must be a lot of people who come and ask the same question. I've even come up with a solution on my part. To issue me, a new card, to include all the relevant in date vouchers. This being 04/11/22.
    I'm getting so annoyed & not happy the way I have got nowhere in the 18 days. Someone must have come across with the same problem or gone elsewhere. The solution to this. Going to another food online shop, and give up all together. I wanted to use my Tesco credit card to earn valuable points. (Ie -2 shops, this being 1 of 2 to use before 27th November 2022. )

    I'm extremely disappointed with TESCO. I think I want more than apology when I wanted to spend nearly £190 on a rather large shop with yourselves.

    Yours faithfully,

    Miss Janet Bailey
    (You have all my details with threads, telephone calls, emails & txts.
  • jbailey6550's Avatar
    On the look out
    Hi, what more information regards my Tesco Card. What more can I send you. Now 18 days still no positive answers on how & why my credit card will not work. Tesco bank & Tesco groceries just passing the buck with each other.
    I will all the valid vouchers which are nearly up. No food by using my Tesco Credit Master Card. I have quite a few vouchers reaching there past or out & up very soon . One for a double shop. Where this would be 1 of 2 shops in NOVEMBER 2022,. VOUCHERS, I KNOW SOME are close to the expiry dates.

    I cannot believe no one person at Tesco's can help anyone. There must be a lot of people who come and ask the same question. I've even come up with a solution on my part. To issue me, a new card, to include all the relevant in date vouchers. This being 04/11/22.
    I'm getting so annoyed & not happy the way I have got nowhere in the 18 days. Someone must have come across with the same problem or gone elsewhere. The solution to this. Going to another food online shop, and give up all together. I wanted to use my Tesco credit card to earn valuable points. (Ie -2 shops, this being 1 of 2 to use before 27th November 2022. )

    I'm extremely disappointed with TESCO. I think I want more than apology when I wanted to spend nearly £190 on a rather large shop with yourselves.

    Yours faithfully,

    Miss Janet Bailey
    (You have all my details with threads, telephone calls, emails & txts.
    You asked whether you wanted Tesco to help me. You should know the answer to this.


    Last edited by jbailey6550; 07-11-22 at 23:44.
  • CarolineD's Avatar
    @jbailey6550 Thanks, Janet. I can see my colleague has replied to your private message
  • jbailey6550's Avatar
    On the look out
    I will now a solution from yourselves. In what is going to happen moving forward.
    A positive reply to all my mailing on threads. Over the past 12 months or years,. I have spent a lot more money with TESCO'S. All down to my illness, not getting out. A1 stroke & bleed on the brain Not being able to get out of my home, to do my own shopping.

    This all started with the telephone calls and emails. Where I've got nowhere.
    Someone by now, must be able to admit to this, & sort all this out for me. Instead of saying your sorry all the time


    Miss Janet Bailey
    [email protected]
    Last edited by jbailey6550; 11-11-22 at 16:05.