The on line App shows incorrect balance and incorrect information

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  • Ken001's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    My last statement was dated 14.12.2022 and required payment by 08.01.2023.

    I paid the balance 04.01.2023. This is clearly visible, both on my on line account and on the App.
    My spend since that date is now visible on the App, but the Highlighted banner below it, states my next payment is due 08.01.2023, which clearly relates to my last bill. It also indicates my available spend available on the card is less than it should be ( as I have paid Decembers amount)
    This is not the first time it has happened and clearly this bug needs to be fixed as it is misleading to the user and diminishes my opinion of the App. I would request a time line for a bug fix to be given. I suspect the Consumer champion "Which " would be interested in this matter.
  • 5 Replies

  • Verified Answer

    KellyT's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    Verified Answer
    Hi @Ken001, due to a recent change we've made on the mobile app when you log in now the minimum payment information will always be displayed. The information showing on the banner will always relate to your most recent statement so this will be correct. If you've already made the minimum payment then please don't worry, there's nothing further you need to do. You can check all payments you've made since your last statement by checking the recent transactions section.

    In terms of your available balance showing on the mobile app, please send us over a private message to Tesco-Bank here and we'll be able to take a closer look.

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  • Ken001's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    Hello Kelly,
    I checked the App again today (9th January. No problem with the outstanding balance calculation.
    Regret, the due date still shows 8th of January.

    I know I am up to date with payments and there is not a financial issue, but this due date issue on the app needs to be clearer and correct. Customers will push back on going paperless and using the App unless simple matters like this are addressed. I plan to see what happens next month, if I consider the issue is ongoing, then I will plan to raise the matter with a consumer group and they can decide if the matter is worth pursuing . Best Regards. Ken.
  • AmyM's Avatar
    Your Community Manager
    Hey @Ken001 ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Thank you for this feed back, we're always looking for ways to ensure our customers are happy with our digital platforms and equally invested in ensuring that it's working as it should be!

    I think the issue here is that your payment due date has fallen on a weekend and the app should have updated your new payment date by yesterday or today at the latest - would you mind checking for me and let me know if it's now showing correct?

    Thank you again! ๐Ÿ˜Š
  • Ken001's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    Hey @Ken001 ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Thank you for this feed back, we're always looking for ways to ensure our customers are happy with our digital platforms and equally invested in ensuring that it's working as it should be!

    I think the issue here is that your payment due date has fallen on a weekend and the app should have updated your new payment date by yesterday or today at the latest - would you mind checking for me and let me know if it's now showing correct?

    Thank you again! ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Hello Amy,

    regret the due date is still showing as 08 Jan 2023. This is both on my phone App and when I look on line.
    I presume this is the same for all users. The functionality of the App and on line account seem to be working fine at present. I just hope this is not a back door flaw with rogue actors could utilise. Regards. Ken.
  • AmyM's Avatar
    Your Community Manager
    Thanks for checking that for me @Ken001 ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Let me take this one away to have reviewed by our Mobile team and I'll come back to you with their update ๐Ÿ˜Š