Car insurance: Cheaper quote from Tesco bank found mid-policy

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  • louisemariegray's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    Hi, I recently had a motoring conviction removed from my record due to it being over 5 years old, so I ran some new quotes and Tesco came up with a cheaper price than my current deal.

    Can I move to this better price, or would I have to cancel my current policy and start a new one?

    If I have to cancel and re-start, I know there is a cancellation fee, but it would still work out cheaper for me to pay this and move to the cheaper policy now, rather than wait for my renewal date.

    I am hoping, however, that it might be possible to waive the cancellation fee given I would be staying with Tesco bank. Does anybody know?
  • 1 Reply

  • RobbieT's Avatar
    Hi @louisemariegray, thanks for getting in touch. We'll need to speak with you over the phone to look into this further. Please give our Car Insurance team a call on 0345 246 2895 (Mon - Fri: 8am - 8pm, Sat - Sun: 9am - 2pm) and my colleagues will do all they can to help.