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  • chew86's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    Hi all, RANT ALERT!!!!
    I'm currently a very frustrated credit card customer who's for some reason, had a block put on my card so despite having capacity to make further balance transfers, I'm blocked from doing so online, via app and over the phone!!!
    If I've contacted your helpline once, I've called you 3 dozen times in the last 3 week period.... I've spent over 4 hours in call queues and even had my calls drop whilst in a queue and also whilst being transferred between departments!!!
    When I do succeed on speaking to a human, no one can help, I have to be put through to another department and join yet another queue!!!!
    I've been promised call backs on the same day 3 times now and never received one despite waiting and changing plans to allow for this!!!
    And finally, today.... having got through to a human this morning at 8.15am, awaiting yet another callback which hasn't happened, I'm currently stuck in another queue (which bizarrely has risen from 10 mins to 35 mins!!) as yet another weekend is fast approaching where said department will no doubt be closed again!!!
    Despite all the obstacles in the way and some kind of security 'flag' on my account, you still take payments from me on this very account and no doubt would let me make a credit purchase on it too (but not going too!!)
    All I want to do is use the service that's provided, that you've said I can, but are preventing me from doing so with no reason as to why!!!
    Please can somebody help me from Tesco bank credit card department security team to resolve this issue once and for all???
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  • KellyT's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    Hi @chew86, I'm really sorry to hear about the experience you've had. So we can help further please send us over a private message to Tesco-Bank here.

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    If you need to ask a question about a Tesco Bank product, you can make a post in Help & Support here

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