Unable to Change/Update Car Insurance Policy - Frustration Growing

  • Refue11er's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    Simple question - how do I 'talk' to a human about an error on my Insurance (obtained online over weekend). Despite filling in correctly the e-form transposed the main driver and the additional driver and I want that changing. Additionally, I need to check that a slight change in Driving Licence restrictions does not affect the policy or provide that update to the Policy. Neither of these is achievable using the extremely limited online changes permitted to me. Wasted several hours so far trying to do what they said I needed to do which is check policy and update accordingly. Grateful for anyone that can provide a contact mechanism that does not involve posting on social media.
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  • ChristopherP's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    @Refue11er Hey there, thanks for getting in touch. I can appreciate how frustrating this must be. To try and get to the bottom of this, I have a few questions:

    Has the policy started yet?

    Do you just need to change who is the main user of the vehicle, or do you wish to change the policyholder details?

    What are the changes to your licence restrictions you are referring to?

    If you'd prefer to chat to us privately about this, then message us here.

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