Paying off balance transfers

  • Naomiada75's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    I'll try to write this as clearly as possible... I opened the credit card and made a balance transfer that I would like to pay off over the 0% interest time period (18 mths). I also use the card and clear the balance each month.
    I thought I would just over pay by the monthly amount I've calculated for my balance transfer, but they apply payments to highest interest charges, so it's not being applied to my 0% amount.
    Is there a way to apply my monthly payment to the balance transfer sum? Or would it work if I just overpaid £140 each month on top of the monthly charged balance?
  • 1 Reply

  • ChristopherP's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    @Naomiada75 Hey there, thanks for getting in touch. Any payments you make will always go towards the portion of your balance that is accruing interest on your statement. This will be the case until that balance is zero. There is no way to change the allocation of existing payments into the account, I'm afraid. If you'd like to discuss this in more detail, please call the Credit Cards team on 0345 300 4278 (Mon - Fri: 8am to 9pm, Sat - Sun: 8am - 6pm) and they'll be happy to help.

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