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    Fresh Eyes
    I see from the FAQs to change my email address, I select my policy, 'View Policy' and then click 'Make Changes' from the menu to be taken to a new page to select what I'd like to change. Issue I have is that my account does not have the 'MAKE CHANGES' option!

    I had issues getting a quote from Tesco in the first place as it didn't like my Safari browser so I had to switch to Chrome and then I wasn't able to set up my insurance account using my main email address as the website said that email address was already in use - yes it's mine for my Tesco Bank Account, so I had to use another email address. I went through Compare the Market and you only get the film / food offer if the CTM email address is the same as the insurance......which it currently isn't. Tesco is making this rather difficult.
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    ChristopherP's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    Verified Answer
    @SMITHYSMITHY Hey there, thanks for getting in touch. The only occasions the 'make changes' option wouldn't be available would be for the following reasons;

    1) Your policy is within the 28 day renewal cycle
    2) You have an open claim on the policy
    3) There is an outstanding payment on the policy
    4) You're logged in to an expired policy

    If you send us a private message, we'll check to see if there is anything that is preventing you from making changes online. Your Insurance Account is completely separate from Online Banking, so having the same email address linked to both wouldn't be an issue.

    If you need to ask a question about a Tesco Bank product, you can make a post in Help & Support here

    Also, feel free to Introduce Yourself