Credit card application rejection

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  • chapaas's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    Hi, I have just had a credit card application rejected and wondered if it would of been because I have CIFAS protection in place following a case of identity theft last year. I was told when I put it on there it would add barriers that would prevent anyone attempting to try and commit any further fraud however as long as I could prove 'I am me' I should have no issue?

    I have excellent credit score/history and can fully afford what I was applying for?

    My rejection email says I can 'write' to appeal this but it's 2023! No one writes letters now a days. Who can I speak to to find out more information.
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    ChristopherP's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    Verified Answer
    @chapaas Hey there, thanks for getting in touch. We're not made aware of why the application was declined, so won't be able to help with this, I'm afraid. If you wish to appeal the decision please follow the instructions on the email you received. Otherwise, if you wish to discuss this further then please call the Credit Cards team on 0345 300 4278 (Mon - Fri: 8am to 9pm, Sat - Sun: 8am - 6pm) and they'll be happy to help

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