Is there any logic or is it just made up?

  • MSFF's Avatar
    Received my renewal quote and called to query the increase. Situation has changed from working to not working while waiting (forever) for a start date for new job, which started a conversation about occupation affecting premium.

    Apparently a policeman's house is less likely to get burgled. So the police get cheaper home insurance? If you are a truck driver you are out more but if you are retired you are at home more and less likely to get burgled.

    I was informed that a fee had been added to my policy due to being 'let go'. (1. my contract ended, and 2. Tesco were not aware of this until after the increase had been notified) As I'd be at home more, the policy had increased due to me being able to cause more damage in the home, rather than less likely to get burgled! However, at the start of the call I had told him my previous work was fully home-based so there wasn't actually any change as to how long I'd be at home/out of the home. Absolutely no logic to anything I was told.
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    ChristopherP's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
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    @MSFF Hey there, thanks for getting in touch. Whilst I appreciate this is frustrating, your occupation is a rating factor on the premium and can have an impact on the price. If you'd like us to check over the renewal price, then please send us a private message and we'll take a look for you.

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