No claims protection and base policy price

  • martingg's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    I am concerned that after being hit by an uninsured driver/hit and run, my insurance premium will take a big hike due to no fault of my own. I do have no claims protection I pay a premium for, but looks as if this will not stop the base premium being hiked up and negating the point of paying and having no claim protection.How does this work and what would happen if I did not have this protection. Some companies advertise that if hit by a uninsured drive your no claims will not be effected, but no mention about hiking the base premium, so very misleading.
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    ChristopherP's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    Verified Answer
    @martingg Hey there, thanks for getting in touch. Protected No Claims Discount (PNCD) protects the number of years' NCD you have following a fault claim. It does not protect the premium. So for example, if you have a policy without PNCD and have 5 years plus NCD, your bonus would reduce to 3 years after 1 fault claim and 1 year after 2 fault claims. With PNCD you can have up to 2 fault claims in a policy year without your NCD being affected; after the 2nd fault claim, the protection will be lost, and any further fault claims will reduce the NCD. I hope this makes sense.

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