Is this age discrimination - car insurance

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  • jefftordoff's Avatar
    Myself aged 80 and two other drivers of similar age on the same policy have today received an email asking for 'further documentation' and I feel this is 'age' related.
    I have had the policy for which I paid in full, for 3 months and it has been effective since the 14th April 2023.
    Today I have received an email asking for:
    Copies of all drivers licences (back and front)
    Licence Check Codes for all three which has to be obtained from DVLA
    Copy of all pages of the vehicle V5
    Copy of the No Claims Discount letter from my previous insurer.
    I have been given 7 days to supply this information and when I phoned to object was told if these details are not received by the 12th July I will be issued with a cancellation of policy notification.

    I can supply all they request but object on the grounds of 'age discrimination'

    Also in the 'terms and conditions' they say if they want proof of the NCD this will be requested withing 10 days of the policy start date.

    Why couldn't this information have been requested at the time of accepting my payment as this was made in plenty of time prior to the policy start date. Then i would have had the option of going ahead or not.

    I am interested if anyone else in this age group has been affected this way.
  • 3 Replies

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    ChristopherP's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    Verified Answer
    @jefftordoff Hey there, thanks for getting in touch. Please be aware that you haven't been asked to send these documents on account of your age. I'm sorry if you were under that impression. However, if you call the number on the letter/email you've received, the Customer Support Team will be able to disclose to you why they have requested the additional information.

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  • jefftordoff's Avatar
    @ChristopherP. I've already done that and am still not convinced. In fact i am so annoyed this information was not asked for before now and the inconvenience I have to go to to supply it. I had thought of letting you cancel the policy but was 'warned' if 'you'cancelled the policy you would inform (whoever - Motor Insurers Association ???) and I may have difficulty securing a policy with another provider. However, If I cancelled the policy this would not be the case, but, no doubt I would be charged an admin fee. You just can't win. Also take into consideration you say if you want proof of NCD this will be requested within 10 days of the policy start date. So, why are you asking for it now.
    I am not feeling this way because I cannot supply all the documents, you will get them all eventually, but feel I have not been given a satisfactory reason why and annoyed the policy has been in operation now for 2 months.
  • CarolineD's Avatar
    @jefftordoff I’m sorry to hear this, so we can help you further with this, please send a private message to @Tesco-Bank using this link.