Adding a driver with a provisional licence to car insurance policy.

  • johnrhodes's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    I've been trying to add my daughter to my insurance policy. She got her provisional license a month before her 17th birthday, but when I try to add her I get an error saying that the driver must be 17 or over when they obtained the licence. This is clearly wrong since according to the government website you can obtain one from 15 yrs and 9 months old.

    It turns out, after eventually managing to speak to a customer service rep, the answer was to put my daughters DOB ( actually it can be any date after) as the date that the provisional licence was issued. In other words, you have to give false information to get around the error.

    If anyone at Tesco Bank reads this, what is the reason for this? If the government says that you can have a licence from 15 yrs and 9mths, why can't you allow it? Something that I could have done in about 5 minutes online, ended up taking me way longer.

    Surely this is not a good look for Tesco Bank if you asking customers to falsify information to get round the limitations of you system? That can't be a good look to the rest of the industry?
  • ChristopherP's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    @johnrhodes Hey there, thanks for getting in touch. As it stands you will need to wait until your daughter is 17 before you can get a quote to add her to the policy (and enter her provisional date as her DOB). I will pass your comments on as feedback to the relevant team. I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused.

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