Tesco Bank app - thinks device is new

  • JimWillsher's Avatar
    Window shopper
    Hi all

    Yet again, the Tesco Bank app thinks my device is new, and I am walked through the setup process where I have to key in a bunch of details. I even get the SMS telling me that I have signed in on a new device.

    This happened on 30th July. And 6th July, And a gazillion times before that too, it's just that Tesco have only recently started sending SMS from the "TescoBank" address, they previous used "tescobank" and I had to go through the process on 18th Jan, 9th Jan, 23rd Dec, 14 Dec, 18th Nov, 10th Nov, 18th Sep, 16th Sep....and so on. I ahve all the SMS messages as "evidence".

    This is all on the SAME iPhone XS Max that I have owned for just over FOUR years. No new device here!

    Whatever algorithm the Tesco Bank app uses to decide if it's a new device is clearly rubbish and flawed.

    What the heck is going on?

    I have applied for a Sainsbury's credit card, I am so frustrated.

    Yes I have uninstalled the app a few times to try to resolve this.

    Please, who can help? Who can *really* delve into the algorhythm and find out what's truly going on?


  • 7 Replies

  • AmyM's Avatar
    Your Community Manager
    Hey @JimWillsher 😊

    Thanks for getting in touch and bringing this to our attention, this wasn't an issue I was aware of however I've spoken with our Mobile App team and explained your problem.

    Unfortunately, we don't have a fix in place for this issue as yet however I'll come back to you on this thread when we do identify a fix and have a scheduled date for release.

    I know it's not ideal, however in the meantime, you can still access the Mobile App providing you enter your username, security number and password. Do you still know this information?

    I'm really sorry for the frustration this is causing but would like to thank you for bringing it to our attention and giving us the opportunity to investigate what's happening! 😊
  • JimWillsher's Avatar
    Window shopper
    Hi AmyM

    Many thanks for your reply. Your wording suggests that the developers might actually know the cause; is that the case? Happy to share username or other app details if it helps them drill in to find the cause if they haven't found it.

  • JimWillsher's Avatar
    Window shopper
    Same again today. I opened the app to authorise an online purchase, and was presented with the "get started" screen. I've gone through all the setup YET AGAIN. Meanwhile, I changed the purchase to another card.

    Why is Tesco Bank incapable of solving such a fundamental issue?
  • AKSimpson's Avatar
    I have the same issue on Iphone SE 2020, it seems that every time I have to authorise a payment, the next time I need to use App it thinks its a new device. I reported the same 6 months ago and still no fix.
  • AmyM's Avatar
    Your Community Manager
    Morning both @AKSimpson @JimWillsher

    Could you give me an update on what's happening with both of your Mobile App issues at the moment?

  • JimWillsher's Avatar
    Window shopper
    Morning both @AKSimpson @JimWillsher

    Could you give me an update on what's happening with both of your Mobile App issues at the moment?


    Hi Amy

    I’ve not had a problem since I posted, but that’s only a fortnight and this issue has plagued me for over a year and I never know when it’ll next surface.

  • AmyM's Avatar
    Your Community Manager
    @JimWillsher Hey Jim!

    Thanks so much for coming back to me so quickly. That's great that you've not had any further problems in the last fortnight. Please keep an eye on it, and if you do encounter any further problems, please come back to this thread and leave a comment with the details 😊

    I finish up for my summer holiday tomorrow, but I'll be back on Monday 11th September and our Community Expert @ChristopherP is here to help in the interim!