Tesco Bank app (iOS) keeps re-setting. Have to re-register

  • tarunpatel's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    Occasionally, and usually when I'm in a hurry, I have to re-register my details on the Tesco Bank app. This means entering all of my login details (username, passcode, password) even though the app is already installed and I have face recognition turned on. Note, I am not referring to logging-in, I am referring to having to register to use the app (which is already installed and has been used).

    I also have to reset all my notification and alert settings.

    This is incredibly painful as it normally happens when I need to approve a transaction and need to login.

    Does this happen to anyone else and why does this keep happening? It's got to the point where I have now applied for another bank's card.
  • 3 Replies

  • ChristopherP's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    @tarunpatel Hey there, thanks for getting in touch. I'm sorry to hear of the issues you're having. Can you confirm which device/operating system you're using? You only need to register once, so please ensure you're clicking 'lets' get started'. Also this can tend to happen after a software update on your device. Can you try re-installing the app to see if this resolves the issue? Please get back in touch if you have any further issues.

    If you need to ask a question about a Tesco Bank product, you can make a post in Help & Support here

    Also, feel free to Introduce Yourself
  • tarunpatel's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    Thanks ChristopherP - I often keep the app updated and it's happened a number of times.

    Having said that, I no longer need my Tesco Credit Card, seeing as Tesco keep reducing the Clubcard benefit. So, thanks for all the great times, goodbye Tesco Bank!

    Also, can the app make it crystal clear that my current balance does NOT include the pending transactions. The pending transactions take a few days, especially at weekends (bizarre, I can't believe systems cannot cope with transactions made on a weekend in 2023, how archaic), which can make me think my balance is lower than it actually is.
    Last edited by tarunpatel; 06-08-23 at 18:02. Reason: Context
  • colinfrog's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    I have had nothing but trouble with this since 24th July, I cannot authorise cards, I have to reregister etc.
    Interesting that the Tesco ios App updated on 24th July
    Contacted Tesco support via whatsapp and they said they know but it won't be fixed until 16th August