Balance transfer offers stopped?

  • Strawberry's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    I used to get an offer on my Tesco credit card for different balance transfer rates every few months. Some 0%, some no transfer fee. I took the odd one up, but I haven't had one for ages. Have Tesco stopped doing the offers, or is it just me?
  • 5 Replies

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    ChristopherP's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    Verified Answer
    @Strawberry Hey there, thanks for getting in touch. 0% periods aren't always available on our accounts, I'm afraid. This isn't specific to you, or related to how you use the account. If another 0% period becomes available on the account, we'll be in touch to let you know so please make sure you're opted into receive marketing. I hope this clarifies things for you šŸ˜Š

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  • Saffron1's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    @Strawberry Hey there, thanks for getting in touch. 0% periods aren't always available on our accounts, I'm afraid. This isn't specific to you, or related to how you use the account. If another 0% period becomes available on the account, we'll be in touch to let you know so please make sure you're opted into receive marketing. I hope this clarifies things for you šŸ˜Š

    with respect, a lot of people use these offers to manage their debts sensibly. Why canā€™t we request them - especially in the current climate as it is the best way to avoid spiralling debt. I know you need to make money, but you are pushing us into paying interest.
  • Strawberry's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    @Strawberry Hey there, thanks for getting in touch. 0% periods aren't always available on our accounts, I'm afraid. This isn't specific to you, or related to how you use the account. If another 0% period becomes available on the account, we'll be in touch to let you know so please make sure you're opted into receive marketing. I hope this clarifies things for you šŸ˜Š

    I'm still confused as to why 0% is not available to longstanding, loyal customers but they are to new customers? I have a zero balance with you, but I needed to transfer a card that isn't, just to help me a little. I could close my account and be offered to open a new card account with a 0% rate as advertised. I just don't understand the logic in that. I'm disappointed Tesco.
  • ChristopherP's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    @Saffron1 @Strawberry I will pass each of your comments on as feedback to the relevant department.
  • Saffron1's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    @Saffron1 @Strawberry I will pass each of your comments on as feedback to the relevant department.
    I said to Tesco bank that paying interest would cause me difficulties, so was there a person I could speak to to have a human conversation with about the offers. I was told ā€œnoā€ there is no one you can talk to. There is no one that can override the system - it picks people to have offers randomly. No one is on control of it. Basically, there is nothing they can do to help. How is that being a responsible lender - you have my history and can see I pay regularly and the debt was reducing. But now it will increase and I will struggle to make payments. We donā€™t live extravagantly, just had a tough time for a while. We both work full time and my husband works an extra job to pay this off. I canā€™t get another card as I had one which changed providers but gave me a reduced credit limit. I use it for every day spending and clear on payday, but the reduced limit meant I was coming close to the limit before I got paid. So getting close to the limit has affected my credit rating. My score has improved, is good and stable but it takes a while before that affects your ability to get credit. Why canā€™t a human review individual cases?