Car Windscreen Cover - National Windscreens

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  • frankrooney's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    My windscreen was smashed by a bird strike on the motorway rendering it undrivable on 29th July. Reported it to the Insurance Windscreen line on the 29th July and told them it was undriveable, and got appointment for the 10th Aug (today) - not great, but it will have to do.
    This morning, the day of the appointment after waiting for 12 days already, I get an email to say that due to "illness" my appointment has been cancelled and the earliest they can now replace the windscreen is 22nd August - which is not acceptable.
    Phoned the Windscreen line again to be told that "all lines are busy" and they will get back to me.
    If National Windscreens are incapable of carrying out this service in a timely manner, why are Tesco Insurance using them ?
    23 days without a car waiting for a windscreen replacement is ridiculous, and if this is the kind of response and service that you can expect when I purchase Tesco Bank Car Insurance then it looks like it's not fit for purpose.
  • 2 Replies

  • frankrooney's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    @frankrooney this shoddy tale just gets shoddier.
    After being promised A call back, why am I not surprised to have heard nothing.
    Called again, told they will try calling head office. The response is more apologies as the head office number diverts back to them. They apparently emailed the supervisor, no response. The best they can do is email customer relations and I just have to wait.
    I can heartily recommend Tesco Bank car insurance if you want tour car off the road for almost a month waiting for a windscreen replacement. Maybe stick to groceries Tesco ?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Well, looks like I’m not the only one….look at the reviews :

    Think twice before you plump for Tesco Car Insurance - unless you don’t mind your car off the road waiting for repairs
  • ChristopherP's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    @frankrooney Hey there, thanks for getting in touch!

    I'm sorry to hear of the issues you're having. This falls below the standard of service that we'd expect so in light of that it's best to submit a formal complaint so that it can be investigated fully.

    You can raise a complaint here, or if you'd prefer that I raised it for you please let me know.

    I won't be able to speed up the process, so you should continue speaking to National Windscreens regarding the timescales for the appointment. I'm sorry for the inconvenience this is causing you.

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