My car was damaged by Tescos “approved” repairers

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  • S444may's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    My car suffered a very minor dent and a few scuffs to the paintwork during a no fault accident in Feb 2022.
    the car was “repaired” by Tescos “approved” repaired in Bicester.
    it came back in a worse condition than it was, the paintwork didn’t match and started peeling off after their second attempt to rectify their efforts.
    It was eventually repaired by another garage of my choice but now, the paintwork is peeling off again 15 months after the original “dodgy” repair!
    i wish to sell the car but obviously will be out of pocket now because of the damage done by Tescos repairers, I’ve tried contacting Tescos but they don’t want to help, all they’ve done is thank me for my complaint! I’ve contacted the Ombudsman, what else can I do?
    Last edited by S444may; 13-08-23 at 07:43. Reason: Grammatical error
  • 2 Replies

  • ChristopherP's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    @S444may Hey there, thanks for getting in touch! I'm really sorry to hear this has happened.

    We don't have access to Claims files here, I'm afraid, so you would really need to contact the Claims team directly to discuss this.

    Have you been given a final response to your complaint, or is it still being investigated?

    If you need to ask a question about a Tesco Bank product, you can make a post in Help & Support here

    Also, feel free to Introduce Yourself
  • S444may's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    hi, all I’ve had is an email thanking me for my complaint, I’ve phoned a couple of times and all I get is; “I’m sure someone will contact you”, but they never do. I even got an email which said they don’t recognise me, my car or the claims number!!
    Its just plain and simple poor customer care.