My card did not work in Smyths toy store, correct pin and more than enough funds…why?

  • Lynseywillson80's Avatar
    I went to Smyths this morning to get last minute presents…I had more than double the funds in my account and went to use my card to pay, it declined, I thought perhaps I’d put the incorrect pin in so I did it again, declined….luckily I had my main bank account on my phone and used that…I then had to transfer funds to cover what I’d spent. Is there a spend limit on the Tesco clubcard + debit card? It also did not work when I tapped it in store later on and that was only £30 or so…I had to put my pin in….very annoying!
  • 2 Replies

  • ChristopherP's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    @Lynseywillson80 Hey there, thanks for getting in touch! I'm sorry to hear this happened.

    You can spend up to your available balance on the Clubcard Pay+ card. You will need to speak directly with their team to see if there is anything that would be preventing you from using the card.

    You can reach them on 0345 835 6295 and they'll be happy to help. I hope you get it all sorted.

    If you need to ask a question about a Tesco Bank product, you can make a post in Help & Support here

    Also, feel free to Introduce Yourself
  • Lynseywillson80's Avatar
    @ChristopherP thanks for your reply, I know there is no overdraft and if the funds aren’t in the account then you can’t spend over, I had more than double the amount of what I spent (or atleast tried to!) in there hence my question so I know that wasn’t the issue, my pin was correct too as I made sure after the first time it declined. It wouldn’t accept a £30+ payment on the ‘tap’ in Tesco either but accepted it when my pin was entered, it doesn’t fill me with much confidence when using it now incase it causes embarrassment when I know the funds are available. I will be sure to call up though.