Puppet on a string

  • zzzzz's Avatar
    Tesco savings have left a message on my phone asking me to ring them about my account. 1st question : why did they not ring me?2nd Question: why is there a whole day of "unprecedented call volumes" which means that I waste £5 on phone charges to try to get through.?3rd question: is this really customer service? Or is it back to the torture of the recent security lapse when they message me to call and then dont answer for 3 days?4th question why am I wasting my time and money on calls and energy when there is better available banking?
  • 4 Replies

  • Tristan's Avatar
    Hi ,

    We should have tried to call you, I'm sorry we were not able to reach you and for the call costs you have incurred as a result. If you can message with your DOB and postcode we can have a look at this for you and hopefully avoid you having to call back - Tristan
  • zzzzz's Avatar
    Hello , after another exchange of emails from my email address ( which doesnt work according to Tescobank) to customerrelations@, in which I have provided my DOB and PostCode.The Tesco mystery number 6 remains unsolved and the latest email from you states that you can confirm that you have phoned me but were unable to get in touch. What was the use of all the emails I wonder. Or as a last resort you could write a letter.But no you have told me to phone 0345xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.So once again I can scrape together a larger than normal phone top up and settle in for a long wait being reassured that my call will be answered. I have all the time in the world. Often after all this when the phone occasionally answers I hear that finishing phrase " we shall have to look into this" and that is the last I hear.Big brother is alive and well.I can see the boot sole engraved with 0345xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx descending toward my upturned face.In the treads of the sole I see the detritus of previous stamping. Then oblivion.The wounds will heal, I shall top up my phone and place my face under the boot again and again.I am puzzled why tesco supermarket customers are not charged for the time they queue in store to pay for their groceries.Perhaps that is yet to come.Who knows. Maybe this time will be when they play So Sorry on the public address system in store.But nothing really changes because it is cheaper to pay off the most serious cases with £ compensation and whip the remainder while they wait for the bootsole to descend.
  • NickJ's Avatar
    Hi , I’m really sorry to hear about the experience you’ve had trying to get this resolved and the way it’s made you feel. The customer relations email address is managed separately by another team. We’ve since been in contact with them and they’re going to get in touch with you today so we can look to reach a resolution. We don’t want any of our customers to feel like they are being ignored and we aim to provide the best possible service we can. I will check in with the team again later to see what progress has been made.

  • zzzzz's Avatar
    Hello NickJ nothing yet in terms of contact or explanation from any of the ways to contact TescoBank including those you have reassured me would make contact. I think it has been elevated because it should be looked at by the ombudsman. So unless they are like Tesco Bank things should resolve unless of course it was never recorded.While I am here could you remove me from the community and delete all information that you hold on me. I have asked on other threads on this community but your colleagues have sent me to Coventry, very professional. Thanks