Changing my House Insurance address?

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  • DelUsh's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    For umpteenth time, I have tried in vain, to change my forthcoming new house address for my house insurance!
    I am completely dumbfounded as to what else I can do now, after carefully answering all of your relevant questions.
    I get right to the very end (completing all of the boxes) after, "Type of Construction" right down to, "Is it a listed building?" I enter "no" and then, every single time I click the NEXT button (immediately after) it takes me straight back to LOGIN and nowhere else! Arrggh!! and for the umpteenth time!
    WHY?? Please will someone tell me? I've lost the will to live now!
    It most definitely does not do what you suggest on your help pages that is for sure! It does not offer me anything once I press NEXT!? Nowhere to ask for a costing adjustment/quote or anything relating?
    PLEASE, I simply want to transfer my current house insurance (that expires in June) to my new address - without having to pay the £25 admin fee - should I use your telephone contact??
    It almost makes me wonder if this is not done on purpose, knowing customers will get fed up trying eny further and be forced to pay the extra £25 admin fee regardless!!??
    Tell me, just where I could possibly be going wrong, as I'm at the end of my tether with this?
    It really should be such a very simple task yet it's proved not to be?????
  • 2 Replies

  • DelUsh's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    Your help pages are very unhelpful!!

    The following does NOT happen after hitting the NEXT button. - All that happens is that you are immediately taken back to the Login page every single time you try?

    • Select 'Change your address'
    • Read the statements carefully and if accepted, click Confirm
    • Select the date you want your change to take effect from, click next
    • Complete all the details for your new address, If you want to change your correspondence address at the same time, you need to select yes to 'Would you also like to change your contact address to match your new address?'. Please ensure all contact information, including the correspondence address is updated
    • Click next and you will be presented with the information you have changed, NO. YOU MOST CERTAINLY WILL NOT!!! please check all the information is correct before clicking 'Save and get quote'. YOU ARE NOT GIVEN EITHER OPTION!!! Please note this will not process the change at this stage, you will be given the option to discard the change on the next screen should you not want to go ahead
    • You will then be presented with the cost to make the change and the option of adding any optional extras to your policy. I WOULDNT KNOW, AS I NEVER GOT TO SEE ANY OTHER OPTION!???
    • If you're happy and want to go ahead, click Go to checkout. If you do not want to go ahead, click Back to your account ... AND TO THAT I SAY, HA,HA,HA!!!! - SO SORRY!

    Please note your correspondence address is the property you wish to have your documents posted to if your preferred delivery method is post, this may differ from the property you want to insure.
  • ChristopherP's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    @DelUsh Hey there, thanks for getting in touch. I'm sorry to hear of the issues you're having.

    Have you tried to use a different device/browser and clearing your cache/cookies to see if that resolves the issue?

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