Proof of no claims for named drivers

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  • linnettc's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    Good Morning,

    I hope you can help. I have been advised that insurance companies keep details of insured parties for 6 years.

    My daughter was a named driver on my car insurance with you from 2017-2019 and then again in 2022. April-July. One of my policy numbers was 8349245K

    Because she has only ever been a named driver it is becoming difficult for her to get her own insurance.

    Could you please provide proof that there were no claims made during the time I held a policy with you against either myself or my daughter. This would greatly help with getting my daughter some insurance of her own at a reasonable price.

    Thank you in advance of your help.
    Last edited by ChristopherP; 02-01-24 at 11:02.
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    ChristopherP's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    Verified Answer
    @linnettc Hey there, Happy New Year!

    No Claims Discount is only awarded to policyholders, not additional drivers I'm afraid. This means if your daughter hasn't had a policy in her own name before, she would need to start from 0 years.

    I hope this clarifies things for you.

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