Who is the best contact for me to speak with

  • Klxdave's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    I am looking for a senior contact within TESCO insurance, I need to make an urgent written complaint in relation to a disgusting level of service supplied by TESCO Home Insurance. This relates to the underhand tactics used by the Legal company (ARC Legal) as used by TESCO, when you contact them for assistance they claim you are not covered, you then prove your do have coverage in place, they then extremely obviously move the goalposts and contradict the original refusal, they change the reasons for refusal to the opposite of the original reason. Underhand deceitful tactics, TESCO should be ashamed to be represented by such a company that are crooks. Don't be fooled into thinking you have paid for legal cover, as if you ever have a need to use that cover it’s not worth the paper it’s written on… I am looking to discuss the issue with someone at TESCO that can actually challenge this terrible treatment
  • 1 Reply

  • ChristopherP's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    @Klxdave Hey there, I'm really sorry to hear this and completely understand your frustration.

    The best thing to do in this instance is to lodge a formal complaint and it will be fully investigated by our Customer Relations Team. You can raise a complaint here, or if you'd prefer we raised it for you, please send a private message and we'll get that arranged for you.

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