Loan Eligibility went from 90 to 0

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  • Stumaloo's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    I had been interested in a loan and i checked the eligibilty of it and was told it was 90% likely . The page had timed out on a few occasions and i also in my boredom put through different scenarios not thinking it would effect anything . When i finally got talking to my wife about what we were going to do i again done a check and it came back saying 0% eligibility .

    Im wondering has me checking it a few times and with a couple of different companies too locked me out of any deals ? If so how long does something like this take to rectify ?

    Thank you for any help anyone can give especially if you have been as stupid as me in doing what i done .
  • 1 Reply

  • ChristopherP's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    @Stumaloo Hey there, thanks for getting in touch!

    Changing information on the form can impact the likelihood of being accepted, I'm afraid, so it sounds like this is what has happened here.

    If you call the Loans team directly they should be able to help with this. You can reach them on 0345 600 6016 (Mon - Fri: 8am - 6pm Sat - Sun: 9am - 2pm) and they'll be happy to help.

    I hope you get it all sorted.

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