Car Insurance Premiums

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  • MarkyMalarky's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    My Range Rover is insured with your company- I am concerned that at renewal in May you will decide either to not insure it or alternatively to increase the premium to levels that are disproportionate to its value.

    The car is kept on off the street and a driveway secured by a FULL HEIGHT electric gate.

    Your standard form does not allow such an option to indicate the car is secured at night and I wish to enquire whether this information is considered relevant or not.

    I should also add that the vehicle has all standard alarms and immobilsers fitted plus standard tracker as well as third party immobilser and tracker which prevents the vehicle being started even if access is obtained by cloning/scanning the key.

    I should be grateful for a response to these queries.
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  • Verified Answer

    ChristopherP's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    Verified Answer
    @MarkyMalarky Hey there, thanks for getting in touch!

    I don't see any reason why we would decline cover based on any of the above, and also given the fact that we insure the vehicle now, so I don't think you should be concerned by that.

    We only need to know which address the vehicle is kept at overnight so providing it's at your home address then I can't see that being an issue either.

    We only enquire if your vehicle has an immobiliser if it's over a certain value, so if that is the case we'll already hold that information in any case.

    I hope this clarifies things for you.

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